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Saturday, February 19, 2011

Exia revived

I must have gotten this HG Exia about 4 years ago. This was the first Gundam model I got after my long break from modeling. Since then I have learned various techniques to improve the look of my models.
On the picture above, I have discovered how to add GN particles (green shinny piece on chest) to my Gundam 00 models. This detail is what defines Gundam 00 models, and without it the model would not be complete.
Originally I had only used the black stickers that came with the model. What I have done to improve is, was to remove the clear piece, paint the black sticker with a "special" paint I found at Michael's [I don't know why anyone else has not picked up on this special paint yet]. The next step was to paint the clear piece with Tomiya clear green [common technique]. Both of these paints make the result above [but I'll keep that secret with me for now].

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