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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

the 26th Annual AIDS Walk NY

Hello readers!

Hope this blog post finds you well. It is my pleasure to inform you that the AIDS Walk 2011 has been announced; this year it will take place on Sunday May 15, 2011. Our team page, Ab Fab 4 a Cure, is open for this season. I would like to reach out to you to help us be succesful in our endevours. Over the past 3 years we have raised more than $2,500 for the cause. And this year we would like to continue adding to our efforts, and for this to happen we need your help.
How can I help you may ask?

Well, there are many ways to help:

1)Register with the team- There is strength in numbers: the more people we can recruit, the more money we can raise for the cause. Think of the following: If a team of 5 people could raise $100 each, that would be great. But if we had a team of 10 raising the same amount, the amount would double.

Remember that all funds raised go towards programs and services for people who have HIV/AIDS. The more money we can raise, the more they can benefit from our efforts.

Register by clicking on the following page: Join our team.

2)Make a donation to our team page, or to our team members- If you are not able to attend, you may still be a part of the team by making an online donation. By clicking on the following link you can make a small donation now: Ab Fab 4 a Cure donation page.

Or, to make a donation to any team member just click on the following link: Team members. Once there just select which team member you would like to donate to.

As an extra incentive: remember that all donations are tax-deductable. You will get a receipt once the donation is completed.

3)Spread the word- If you can't join the team, or can't donate at this moment you can spread the word. Forward this email to anyone who may be interested, talk about it with your friends next time you see them, post it on Facebook for everyone to know. Just let your friends know of what our team is trying to accomplish.

4)Send us words of encouragement, stories you would like to share if you have participated in a past walk, share with us stories of the people that inspire you, or names of people you would like to honor.
All these options help the team. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me anytime through the comments section.
Thank you for your time. I hope that you are able to help in any way you can. On behalf of the team, I thank you in advance.


Team Captain
Ab Fab 4 a Cure

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