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Sunday, February 26, 2012

MGS3: Snake Eater 3D

I bought MGS3 (Metal Gear Solid) yesterday evening, and I must have been playing the game for about 5 hours. Although some video game reviewers do not like the control scheme, and some even the gameplay, I must say that I love this game.
I admit the control scheme takes a bit to get use to, but I think it works well. I suppose the Circle Pad Pro might be very useful with this game, specially to control the camera angles, but I was not able to obtain one at GameStop as they were sold out; I'll try the Nintendo World store today.
The gameplay however is superb; the story can only surpass it.
MGS3 is the story of Big Boss' first mission. After failing the Virtuous Mission, Jack (codename: naked snake) and Fox hound (a covert US military unit) are sent back to Russia to correct their failure and prevent a second cold war, even a nuclear war. This commences operation Snake Eater.
The gameplay is embedded with actual world history as it is set at the end of the cold war. Events as the Cuban Missile Crisis, and Kennedy's assassination play a hand to shape the story. Of course MGS interjects its own history.
I took interest on MGS ever since the 4th installment as it was a huge hit, and I began to hear about it everywhere. The second aspect that I like about this game is the integration of sci-fi into the story, by means of their over the top characters, especifically the villains. I've never owned a 360 or PlayStation3, so I never have played the games. MGS coming to the 3ds was a blessing, lol. I hope Nintendo keeps bringing the rest of the saga to the 3ds.
The 3ds' touch interface really helps with the gameplay as you don't have to access cumbersome menus and pausing the gameplay all the time. The function that I love the most is the option of the Photo Camo. This is the ability to take a picture with the 3ds and set a selected picture as your camo theme. It has save my neck in various situations.
The 3D function works amazingly well. It really gives the scenaries/stages an extra kick (in a good way). I'm playing the game with the depth slider all the way up and it doesn't bother me. Asides from the  occasional ghosting and deviation from the "sweet spot," gameplay in 3D is great.
Overall: great story, great gameplay and good controls makes this game a must buy if you like the MGS series or if you are just entering this franchise.

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