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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Fire Island, the first trip

Last weekend I took a weekend get away to Fire Island for the first time this summer, to scape the stress of work and life. It may sound dramatic but work has been intense as the the fiscal year is closing, and as the bookkeeper I need to account for all financials.
Ricky had invited to come with as he needed a break too. We book a hotel at The Grove Hotel as it was the cheapest choice 3 days before our trip. It was very convenient as the Ice Palace is right in the premises, so we could drink and go to sleep right after, lol. Saturday [June 9th] was suppose to rain, but gladly the sky was only cloudy in the late afternoon. Sunday was gorgeous however, we hanged out by the pool after breakfast and took some sun. I swam in the pool for while which was quite refreshing. We left just in time, as as we got back to the mainland the clouds were gathering.
I can wait to go back for the weekend, maybe stay 2 days. I think it's fund to stay over with friends. Maybe next time we'll get a place for 4.

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