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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Editing a weekend in 2 hours

What do I do in my time off? Well, if I'm not watching tv I'm probably writting and editing my blog entries. Tonight i was editing the entry ''Amazing weekend.'' I was listening to music and writting it at the same time. I like to do that often: doing something + listening to music. So it took me about 2 hours to finish it, mainly because I'm a perfectionist, and I edit until every 'i' is dotted and every reference documented. I have to admit that it turned out better than I expect it. Yea me! Journalism is hard, lol. Yes, a blogger is essentially a journalist. I only do it for fun, and to keep my friends and family engaged with my shennanigans. Leave a comment, or rate the posts if you like what you see (read).

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