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Friday, March 12, 2010

Underwear night

Although I don't go out clubbing during the week, I decided to make an exception for a special occasion: Campus Thursday's Barely Naked Underwear Party IV at Splash. These kinds of parties don't happen often, so when the chance appeared I had to take it. The picture above shows what I was only wearing throughout the night. Well, to be more exact what I was only wearing after our group decided to get undressed, which happened after midnight. Well, to be more exact what I was wearing after I received free underwear from Undergear.
It all began when I made plans with Nandi and Carlos to go to Splash early that afternoon. After work I started getting ready for the party. After a shower I began the long process of picking what to wear for the night: what kind of underwear to wear, which style, which color, and with which shoes to match, etc. I finally decided, was happy with my choices, and was on my way to the city. When I got to Splash I meet Carlos and his friends. We were talking and drinking for a bit. Our group got larger as more friends came to the club. After the Lady Gaga video premiere of Telephone the party got started. The group slowly one by one got undressed to their undies [free coat check for clothes is always a nice incentive], until Carlos and I were the last standing with clothes. We finally decided to go for it. There weren't a lot of people undressed at the time, so I think we were a bit conscious of that fact, but we had a good time regardless. Later on more people did get undressed [thank goodness]. We were having a lot of fun being bared, and dancing without care. At around 1:30AM [I believe] the Undergear free goodies came out to the public: free underwear, chap sticks, Boy butter lubricant packets.
A funny story: all the guys requesting Small size underwear [including me] were taken aside behind a curtain. The promoters encourage us to promote the merchandise and go dance on stage. This is where the underwear switch happens: I was wearing my underwear [gray with a design in it] when I went to the club, but I had to wear the new piece I was given now. So I, like a few others, changed right on the spot. Since we were behind a curtain it was ok, only ourselves and the promoter could see us [hehe]. After that we went up to the stage to dance. A few photographs were taken of us dancing in our new underwear to promote the event further [I will have to hunt for these pictures sometime]. Besides the lights, cameras, even free underwear, this night was amazing. I think it was the fact that it was, literally, liberating. Not only was I wearing only 3 pieces of clothing [underwear and 2 socks on my feet] besides my shoes during the night, but I was out during a school night and it felt great. Because of personal reasons I am a bit stressed and in a bit of physical pain, so going out just to have fun was really the best thing I could do for myself. My reason to go to this party was not to hook up and get grabbed but just to have fun. Yes I can have fun with my clothes on anytime, but how often do I get to dance without them? Now, there were some odd episodes during the night [haha], but that's just the club scene. Overall, it was all good, and can't wait for the next party. Did I mention my new underwear glows under phosphorescent light ;)

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